Thursday, January 10, 2008

I saw a big man in a red suit and it wasnt Dad!

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth please Santa.

My first road trip in my new big boys car seat.

Grandma and Grandpa Andrews have some pretty funny looking neighbours.

HELP! Mums cutting my nails again.

I love cuddles with Grandpa.

You can trim my nails Mum, but youre not cutting my hair yet!
Its my new look, punk style.

Hey, why havent I tried this before? I can sit up on my own!
Ill be moving out of home next.

Grandpa and I have some serious TV watching to do.

Grandma and Grandpa didnt want me to miss my swimming lessons
so they bought me a pool!
Hey! Whos dirty bandaid is that?

"Santa ROCKS!!"

My first Christmas.

I wonder what these taste like?

Look Dad! My first sports car!

If the shirt fits...

My first soccer ball. This is how you kick it Mum!

Thank you everyone for all of my first Christmas presents.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Visitors a plenty.

Weve had lots of visitors lately.

And Ive been on my best behaviour. Really, I have.

Ive had playtime with Great Grandma Andrews.

Hugs from Great Grandpa Andrews.

Ive had tickles from Grandpa and Grandma Andrews.

Cuddles from Grandma MacKenzie.

Grandpa MacKenzie snuck a kiss in.

I really do think im a cheeky..... I mean....lucky little boy.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

They call it a spoon.....

What am I expected to do with this new toy?

Mum says its called a spoon.

Its ...made to..... fill ....your gob..... with food.....

Phew! That was hard work. But I kind of like the food bit.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Its not Christmas yet?

Who said it isnt Christmas yet!

I asked Santa for a fun toy that would burn off some of the extra energy I seemed to have found lately.

I didnt think Id get this colourful contraption.

But it really isnt that bad. No, really.

Now if I can just get..... that...... camera..... out of Dads hands.

ENOUGH with the silly photos Dad, this is serious play time!!!

What ....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Funny man in my bath.

Mum and Dad.... and everyone else I know took me to meet this nice man in a white cape. He gave me a bath.

My new godmothers Kelly and Amy were there too.

I love my mum.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007